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Tag: medical billing & coding

Massage Therapy CPT Codes and Tips for 2023

One of the quickest ways to ensure your healthcare revenue cycle is running smoothly is to utilize the most current medical billing codes for your practice. If you code for the wrong treatment, over or under code for services rendered, or submit your claims late, then you run the risk of delayed payment and a […]

Revenue Cycle Management: Medical Billing Vs. Accounting

Your holistic practice’s longevity and financial success depends on how efficiently and effectively you can manage your revenue cycle. Without ensuring this key component of your strategy is running smoothly, you’ll be struggling to keep your practice in the green. A comprehensive revenue cycle management strategy can really transform your holistic practice and help chart […]

Osteopath vs Chiropractor: What's the Difference?

  About 1 in 4 medical students in America is studying to earn their doctor of osteopathy degree, which is comparable to a traditional MD degree. The school of medicine educating the next generation of DO’s has a long history of more than 100 years and, in fact, has a few parallels to the school […]

The Ultimate HIPAA Cheat Sheet to Help You Manage Compliance for Your Holistic Practice

One vital component for your holistic practice’s success is maintaining HIPAA compliance because it protects patient information, secures your operations, and prevents the chance of a breach that can greatly impact your practice’s reputation. We’ve compiled this comprehensive HIPAA cheat sheet to help you further understand this important legislation and how it pertains to your […]

Essential Metrics for Acupuncture Billing

How committed is your team to make your acupuncture practice the best it can be? From your medical billing department to your clinical staff to your front desk reps, everyone involved in day-to-day business around your holistic practice should be motivated to help you become a top-of-the-line medical establishment. In order to understand how well […]

Everything You Need to Know About an Employee Non-Compete Agreement

Like millions of people, watching a lot of fictionalized law shows on TV might leave you with the impression that you fully grasp various facets of the legal system and its regulations. In reality, laws and regulations can vary wildly between states, and it’s important to recognize that there are guaranteed to be far more […]

How E&M Changes Could Affect Your Holistic Practice in 2021

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released a series of changes in 2018 to the way E/M coding would be documented and billed for reimbursement. In partnership with the healthcare billing community, we reacted swiftly to the announcement, pointing out a series of potential problems that could arise when the changes went into […]

SSN vs EIN: Which One Should You Bill Under?

Holistic providers who are considering accepting insurance generally have plenty of questions surrounding the issue of whether to bill under the practice name or use a personal social security number. If you’re establishing your practice, you might be tempted to just use your SSN - however, there are numerous advantages to utilizing an Employer Identification […]

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