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Tag: healthcare administration

Navigating Online Appointment Scheduling: Pros and Cons for Medical Practices

Platforms like Holbie offer the flexibility to either allow patients to schedule their own appointments or require practice approval for each booking.

4 Types of Policies to Establish at Your Holistic Practice

Operating a successful and effective holistic practice means managing a plethora of responsibilities, tasks, and repetitive processes–all while delivering quality care to your patients and community. Part of this, unfortunately, entails writing and maintaining several policies and other types of business writings related to your practice. Putting your actions and intentions into writing can be […]

5 Tips for Preparing for a HIPAA Audit

Did you know that the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), responsible for enforcing HIPAA compliance, received more than 306,000 complaints regarding HIPAA violations between 2003 and 2022? Such violations were found in healthcare entities ranging from major medical facilities to small, independent practices–anyone dealing with personal health information could be found out of compliance. When […]

How to Write a Patient Care Policy (+ Why Your Practice Needs One)

Ever heard of a patient care policy? If not, you might be wondering if your holistic practice needs one or how to write one for your practice and with so many different kinds of business writing for your practice, it can be easy to overlook one. First, let’s define patient care–this term broadly includes the […]

How to Manage Your Holistic Practice's Online Reputation

In this day and age, nearly everything lives on the internet and it’s no secret that it’s an essential component of life, both personal and professional. The internet is an endless source of information and can positively or negatively impact your holistic practice, depending on your practice’s online reputation. As potential clients turn to the […]

Does Your Practice Have a Strategic Plan? (Why You Need It + How to Write One)

Running a successful medical practice involves a long list of components. In addition to actual patient care, there’s administrative work, insurance claims processing, and billing. Add to that patient support, marketing, and follow up consultations. It’s a full plate — enough to make it tempting to do what needs to get done right now, while […]

Patient Financial Agreements & Your Holistic Practice (+ Template)

Your holistic practice exists to deliver quality care to your patients—and somebody has to pay for that quality care. Your patients might not exactly know their role or responsibility in paying for the services rendered—for example, there could be assumptions about insurance coverage that doesn’t apply to your holistic practice—which can lead to friction later […]

Electronic Health Records Systems: Why Your Holistic Practice Needs One

Electronic health records systems are a huge resource to utilize in your holistic practice, no matter the size of your business. While it might seem easier and more cost-effective to just maintain whatever paper file folder system you’re already using, making the switch to an EHR system is an overall more efficient strategy for streamlining […]

Top Healthcare KPIs to Track to Improve Your Holistic Practice Management

When evaluating the success of your holistic practice, where do you start? It’s too short-sighted to worry only about keeping the lights on, but planning for the future on a broad, subjective scale can feel intimidating or overwhelming. That’s where tracking top healthcare KPIs can benefit your holistic practice. Healthcare KPI tracking can provide a […]

How to Prevent CMS Audits for Holistic Practices

Treating Medicare patients not only entails serving a greater population in your community, but it also means that your holistic practice may be subjected to Medicare audits. These can lead to suspension of payments and Medicare fees if your holistic practice isn’t up to snuff with current regulations and laws.  Unfortunately, healthcare waste, fraud, and […]

How Patient Satisfaction Surveys Can Boost Your Holistic Practice Performance

How well do you know how your patients experience your holistic practice? Of course, you’re providing the best care for them, but are there metaphorical pain points that you might not know about? By utilizing patient satisfaction surveys, you can open this conversation up between your patients and your holistic practice, resulting in stronger dialogue […]

5 Ways to Stay Productive While Unable to Give Holistic Patient Care

The COVID-19 coronavirus had a profound effect on holistic patient care. Many practices were forced to see patients under highly restrictive circumstances, and sometimes they were not able to see them at all. As state-mandated social distancing guidelines are slowly relaxed, many holistic practices are wondering what to do with themselves until patient levels return […]

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