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Tag: Acupuncture Practice

How to Attract More Patients to Your Acupuncture or Massage Therapy Practice

The modern wellness industry is more competitive than ever, with countless providers offering various therapies and services. As an acupuncture or massage therapy practice, standing out from the crowd to attract more patients is crucial for growth and sustainability. But how do you achieve this? The answer lies in a well-crafted marketing strategy tailored to […]

Navigating Your Options: Choosing the Right EHR System for Your Acupuncture Practice

In an era where technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace, maintaining a tech-savvy acupuncture practice can be a game-changer. Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems have become an essential component of effective practice management. In fact, a study conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) found that as of 2017, nearly 9 out […]

Medicare and Acupuncture: New Bill Would Expand Coverage

In recent years, there have been tremendous advances in legislation expanding the coverage that Medicare provides to millions of seniors around the country. In particular, expanding coverage to include holistic medicine has been most notable with the recognition—albeit limited recognition—of acupuncture services to treat chronic lower back pain which happened in early 2020. This relationship […]

Acupuncture Research: 3 Benefits For Patients With Chronic Illnesses

As demands for holistic medicine increase from people seeking relief from a variety of conditions, more research is conducted to determine and affirm how effective these treatments can be. These studies are important both for validating the effectiveness of holistic medicine and quantifying how alternative treatments can be used. For example, acupuncture is often incorporated […]

Best Practices for Adding Pediatric Acupuncture to Your Practice

Most kids, as well as a lot of adults, are afraid of needles. So the pairing of acupuncture and kids might not be an obvious one. However, as more and more parents are seeking alternative methods of treatment for their children, it might be a good next step for your holistic practice to incorporate pediatric […]

Best Practices for New Patient Acquisition at Your Acupuncture Practice

As a holistic billing company, we focus on integrative health and billing insurance for holistic providers, but we are often asked by our clients for recommendations on how to promote their practice. In our experience, your acupuncture practice can gain new customers and strengthen your current client base with the right marketing. Learn more about […]

Frequently Used Acupuncture Billing CPT Codes for Insurance

The world of insurance billing is complex, and even more so for holistic practices. Understanding when to use the right acupuncture billing codes and procedures is essential to any successful medical practice, whether holistic or traditional. Accurate coding and acupuncture billing practices ensure a streamlined reimbursement process so your practice can get paid and deliver […]

Why Are My Acupuncture Visits Exceeding 45 Minutes Getting Denied?

As acupuncture insurance billing experts, we've been getting numerous questions from acupuncture providers reporting claim denials for 60-minute visits that used to pay without issues. Read on for our answer to this recently asked question! Why Are My Acupuncture Visits Exceeding 45 Minutes Getting Denied? Typically, commercial insurance companies peg their reimbursement rates and procedure protocols […]

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