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Holistic Billing Services Blog

Front Desks + First Impressions: Foundations for Managing the Patient Experience

They’re called first impressions for a reason: you seldom get a second chance to make a positive, lasting impression. In the age of healthcare consumerism where patients can shop around for the best value and patient experience, it’s more important than ever that your holistic practice delivers a great first impression. One of the foundational […]

4 Types of Policies to Establish at Your Holistic Practice

Operating a successful and effective holistic practice means managing a plethora of responsibilities, tasks, and repetitive processes–all while delivering quality care to your patients and community. Part of this, unfortunately, entails writing and maintaining several policies and other types of business writings related to your practice. Putting your actions and intentions into writing can be […]

Revenue Cycle Management: Medical Billing Vs. Accounting

Your holistic practice’s longevity and financial success depends on how efficiently and effectively you can manage your revenue cycle. Without ensuring this key component of your strategy is running smoothly, you’ll be struggling to keep your practice in the green. A comprehensive revenue cycle management strategy can really transform your holistic practice and help chart […]

How SOAP Notes Reduce Patient Risk

Paperwork is often credited with causing headaches, not reducing harm or actually helping anyone. So, while it might seem counterintuitive to connect medical documentation to increased patient outcomes, SOAP notes are a standalone example of how that connection is real. This type of medical documentation–short for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan–is an essential component of […]

5 Tips for Preparing for a HIPAA Audit

Did you know that the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), responsible for enforcing HIPAA compliance, received more than 306,000 complaints regarding HIPAA violations between 2003 and 2022? Such violations were found in healthcare entities ranging from major medical facilities to small, independent practices–anyone dealing with personal health information could be found out of compliance. When […]

How to Write a Patient Care Policy (+ Why Your Practice Needs One)

Ever heard of a patient care policy? If not, you might be wondering if your holistic practice needs one or how to write one for your practice and with so many different kinds of business writing for your practice, it can be easy to overlook one. First, let’s define patient care–this term broadly includes the […]

Your Holistic Practice's Online Reputation: Your Holistic Website

Do you know the value of your holistic practice’s online reputation? Research shows that 63% of patients choose one provider over another based on a strong online presence – that’s a major win for those who capitalize on these opportunities. As patients leverage the internet to discover and research different holistic providers, appealing to your […]

Want to Promote Your Chiropractic Practice? Take a Crack at These Marketing Tips

Did you know that the US chiropractic industry is worth around $15 billion? Chiropractors treat approximately 35 million Americans annually and that figure is only growing as people continue to turn towards holistic treatments to help their ailments. If you’re wondering how your chiropractic practice can attract new patients while retaining current ones, then your […]

What’s In a Name? Integrative Medicine Vs. Functional Medicine

One of language’s inherent qualities is the capacity to have more than one way of saying the same thing—or, at least, what might be perceived as the same thing. There seems to be another way of phrasing something in countless cases, which can be helpful for connecting the dots between ideas, or it can result […]

Why Your Holistic Practice Needs a Mission Statement (+ How to Write One)

Have you ever wondered if your holistic practice needs a mission statement? Do you feel intimidated about writing one or are worried it’ll sound too generic? Fear not, we’ve got you covered. Mission statements are a foundational element of your holistic practice’s business operations and help communicate an important message to your clients, both present […]

Payer Reimbursements & Your Holistic Practice

As you know, there are countless healthcare KPIs (key performance indicators) to review, to monitor over time, and to create goals for improving. We know that the process of pulling reports on so many different KPIs can be overwhelming and confusing, which ultimately makes the process ineffective. That’s why we love to write various articles […]

How to Manage Your Holistic Practice's Online Reputation

In this day and age, nearly everything lives on the internet and it’s no secret that it’s an essential component of life, both personal and professional. The internet is an endless source of information and can positively or negatively impact your holistic practice, depending on your practice’s online reputation. As potential clients turn to the […]

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