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Holistic Billing Services Blog

Medical Billing Best Practices for Holistic Providers

Medical billing and coding are essential to the modern healthcare landscape. As more holistic practices are being credentialed by insurance companies, optimizing the medical billing process is essential for success and growth. Unfortunately, many holistic providers may find the medical billing and coding process overwhelming. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be! […]

Western Medicine vs Holistic Medicine in America

More Americans than ever before are turning away from conventional medicine and embracing holistic healthcare. Whether it’s to alleviate chronic pain, reduce stress, or for other benefits, studies are showing that more people are trading in their conventional doctors for holistic practitioners, or complimenting their conventional care with holistic therapies.   In a survey of more than 89,000 […]

Exploring the Different Types of Chiropractors Adjustments & Their Benefits

  Today, chiropractors treat over 27 million Americans every year - which translates into about one million chiropractic adjustments every business day. Chiropractic care continues to grow in popularity as a safe holistic alternative for pain relief, with more people coming into chiropractic practices for a variety of ailments and Types of chiropractors. As more […]

11 Types of Holistic Massage Therapy & How They Improve Patient Wellbeing

Try to take it at the same time each day. Exondys 51 was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDon an "accelerated" basis. Having a berry flavored taste, the lollipop painkiller comes in gray, blue, orange, purple, green, and burgundy plastic handles to indicate the different dosages Renal insufficiency, acute renal failure, […]

How to Handle Insurance Deductibles

As a medical billing company focused on holistic practices, our team of experts often speaks to hundreds of practitioners daily. Many of the questions medical practices have been around handling patient deductibles. At the beginning of every year, most patients have their health insurance benefits recalculated. That is to say, that the number of visits […]

Best Practices for New Patient Acquisition at Your Acupuncture Practice

As a holistic billing company, we focus on integrative health and billing insurance for holistic providers, but we are often asked by our clients for recommendations on how to promote their practice. In our experience, your acupuncture practice can gain new customers and strengthen your current client base with the right marketing. Learn more about […]

Common Acupuncture Billing Terms

Medical billing and coding is a complicated, but necessary, process for both medical and holistic practices looking to be reimbursed for services. However, the world of medical billing processes can become rather complicated very quickly, with people throwing around a lot of technical terms that holistic practices may not be accustomed to hearing or dealing […]

The Top Reason You're Not Getting Paid for Acupuncture

There are numerous errors that can cause your insurance claims to be denied or delayed, resulting in your holistic practice not being paid on time for your services. A successful acupuncture practice is one with accurate acupuncture insurance billing, but how can you stay on top of it?   As an acupuncture billing company, our team […]

Chiropractic CPT Codes to Improve Your Insurance Reimbursements

Chiropractic CPT codes are some of the most important components of the insurance billing process. Accurate chiropractic insurance billing is essential for your practice’s revenue cycle management, but errors can cause costly denials and delays. As a billing company focused on holistic healthcare providers, Holistic Billing has the answers to many of the most common […]

Most Common Therapeutic Massage CPT Codes

Understanding the correct massage CPT codes for your medical practice is essential across all specialties when it comes to insurance billing. Holistic practices, including massage therapists, have unique health insurance billing needs. This includes specific CPT codes for massage therapy. Accurate massage therapy insurance billing is key for reimbursements to be processed faster and with […]

How To Fight A Medical Necessity Denial for Acupuncture (+Appeal Letter Template)

In the world of billing insurance, insurers improperly issue medical necessity denial claims on the basis of treatments being not medically necessary quite frequently. This is especially true in cases where you are billing insurance for acupuncture, medical massage, or chiropractic treatments. Sometimes such denials are a mistake, but all too often, these denials by […]

What Ailments Can Acupuncture Treatments Relieve?

More than 10 million acupuncture treatments are administered annually in the United States - and the number continues to grow! Its rise in popularity has made it one of the most utilized forms of integrative-medicine in the country. The advantages of acupuncture extend from acute pain relief to a safe and effective alternative to opioid […]

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